Independent House for Sale in Noida Extension/ Expressway

A new term for housing is gaining popularity: Independent Housing. However, the concept of an Independent House has previously existed. It has been around since ancient times in India. Let us understand the fundamental idea of an independent house. 

Do you frequently hear “independent house’ but are unsure what it means? This blog will help you out. 

What is an Independent House? 

An independent house stands on their land. It has its own set of boundaries. It means that the property owner and the landowner on which the house stands share a name. These residences usually reside in separate compounds. The landowner is free to build their homes on their property however they see fit. 

Noida Extension and Noida Expressway have seen an increase in apartments and flats, but this does not mean that independent houses are unpopular. The cost of land is rising faster than the cost of housing. However, there are differences between standalone residences and apartments. 

People prefer independent houses because they can design them according to their preferences and tastes. Furthermore, these can vary to the owner’s specifications. 

Benefits of living in an independent house in Noida Extension/Noida Expressway 

Independent houses have been an essential part of our country since ancient times. What benefits do they provide? Let us look at some of the benefits Independent Houses in Noida Extension provides. 

Your Own Home:

Having your own home is a beautiful thing. Your private home is your personal space and the best place to invest your money. Furthermore, having your own home provides your own space and a safe environment for your family. There are several areas on Noida Expressway where you can easily find independent houses. 

Design Freedom:

It is the most significant advantage that an independent house can provide. Apartments limit your creativity because you can not design it as you want. However, you can create the home of your dreams based on your theme and creativity. You can decorate and redecorate it as many times as you want. Moreover, the renovation also becomes hassle-free. 

A Private Terrace:

Isn’t it wonderful to have a private terrace that you can decorate however you want? There are building societies that restrict people’s access to their steps, thereby limiting their space. Having a rooftop is a true luxury for city dwellers. You have unrestricted access to your terrace. You can invite your friends and family and have fun on the rooftop. Furthermore, you can host parties there. Isn’t it wonderful to throw a party on a terrace?

Status Icon: 

If you live in an independent house in Noida Extension, you will have your garden, garage, and regular benefits that apartments do not have. There will be no shared boundaries or walls. Moreover, you can enjoy a great view from your house. 

Having a home raises your social status because it represents sophistication and a luxurious lifestyle. 


If you have a pet, you know they like having access to fresh air. However, due to limited space, this is not possible in apartments. In these instances, detached homes may be the best option because your beloved pet will have plenty of outdoor space. They will also be free of heavy traffic, making independent houses much safer for pets. 


It goes without saying, but villas or independent houses offer various amenities that an apartment could not. These amenities also ensure a high standard of living. Example for 24-hour water supply, among other things. 

Noida Extension or Noida Expressway 

The Noida Expressway and the Noida Extension each have their advantages and disadvantages. The Noida Expressway is a well-established area with a diverse range of commercial and residential properties and easy access to the rest of the city. In contrast, the Noida extension is a more recent development that provides more affordable housing options while remaining well-connected to the rest of the town. It all boils down to your priorities and what you want in a location. The Noida Expressway may be better if you want a more established and well-developed area with a broader range of options. If you are looking for more affordable housing options in a newer neighborhood, the Noida Extension may be a better option.