Colliers report that foreign investors invest more than $4 billion in Indian real estate each year

Foreign inflows rebounded in 2023, rising 20% over the previous year to $ 3.6 billion. These investments went beyond traditional channels, expanding into alternative asset classes and supporting the strong growth in the domestic office, residential, and industrial segments. 

A favorable investment environment and rapid urbanization have established India as an attractive investment hub in the Asia-Pacific area because of its robust economy. 

As a result, numerous new funds are actively considering the market, while established global and sovereign funds such as Mubadala, Mitsubishi Fudson, PAG Credit & Markets, Cadillac Fairview, Korea Investment Corp, and PNB Malaysia are either increasing their investments or forming new collaborations to capitalize on the Indian market’s burgeoning opportunities. 

“2024 is expected to be a more dynamic year for both the Asia Pacific real estate markets and capital in the region, which will remain the dominant investor in global real estate. “The ability to act quickly, dig deeply into markets and sectors to identify value, and form productive partnerships will be critical to capitalizing on the region’s diversity and increased opportunity,” said Chris Pilgrim, Collier’s Managing Director of Global Capital Markets, APAC. 

Strong economic resilience, a favorable investment environment, and rapid urbanization have made India a highly desirable investment destination for international funds. 

With the International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasting 5.7% GDP growth by 2024, India remains one of the world’s fastest-growing economies and a top choice among emerging Asia-Pacific (APAC) nations. Its appeal stems from attractive pricing, superior valuations, and promising yields for investors looking for profitable opportunities. 

Foreign inflows rebounded in 2023, rising 20% from last year to $3.6 billion. These investments went beyond traditional changes, expanding into alternative asset classes and bolstering the strong growth in the domestic office, residential, and industrial segments. 

New funds are expected to enter the Indian market shortly, maintaining investor interest. The residential, industrial, and alternative sectors expect renewed interest and income-generating office properties. 

“Investments in Indian real estate have been consistent in recent years, and they are likely to grow further as demand for capital changes structurally. Global investors have always been at the forefront, investing an average of $4 billion annually for the last five years, demonstrating their continued commitment and confidence in the sector. With an increase in performance credit, special situations, portfolio acquisitions, asset reconstruction, and related structures, the sector is expected to attract even more investment in the coming years,” said Piyush Gupta, Managing Director, Capital Markets & Investment Services at Colliers India. 

APAC countries show increased interest in Indian real estate. 

While the United States and Canada remain primary sources of capital, prominent APAC countries such as Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Japan are increasingly focusing on India’s burgeoning real estate sector. In 2023, investment inflows from the APAC region increased by 57% annually to $ 1.8 billion, with office assets accounting for 70%. 

Aside from office properties, APAC countries have shown interest in residential, industrial, and warehousing assets. The volume of investments has nearly doubled since 2019, indicating a significant increase in investor enthusiasm and confidence in India’s real estate sector. 

Looking ahead to 2024, investors are likely to become more involved in India’s real estate sector. This urge is driven by the country’s strong economic growth, favorable business conditions, and rising demand in numerous industries. The expectation of increased activity indicates confidence in the policy landscape, a narrowing gap between buyers and sellers, and investors’ eagerness to allocate more capital across various real estate asset classes. 

“In 2023, foreign investors accounted for 90% of all investment inflows into India’s office sector, demonstrating the strength of the underlying asset class. The industry is currently transforming. Furthermore, as sustainability becomes more important in investment decisions, the real estate sector, including India’s office market, is poised to align seamlessly with global Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards,” said Vimal Nadar, Senior Director and Head of Research at Colliers India.