Buying a House During Monsoon is Beneficial

The monsoon is usually considered as a lean season in terms of sales for the developers. It’s not just the weather that affects the purchase of property, but also because it is considered inauspicious to buy anything for about two weeks during this period (because of shraadh or pitrapaksh). Buyers prefer to wait till the festival season to buy real estate. So, in order to increase sales, developers are willing to offer ‘monsoon discounts’.

Many people postpone buying a house during these months. This adds to the existing inventory of the real estate developer. The builder, on their part, wants to get relieved from it so he can start a new project in the upcoming festival season. Also, they would need some liquid cash in hand for the new projects.

While only a handful of developers advertise it as a ‘monsoon discount’, most are willing to offer lower rates to serious buyers. The significant of discount varies for different cities, depending on how badly it is affected by the monsoon. So, in Mumbai and Kolkata the quantum of discount is likely to be higher than that in Delhi and Chennai. In Mumbai, a buyer can expect discounts ranging from 10-20%,  a Mumbai-based real estate marketing company.

Besides the entice of discounted property prices, buyers can also avail of the monsoon special offers on home loans by banks.

1 thought on “Buying a House During Monsoon is Beneficial

  1. I think the demand continues to be strong. All our projects are selling well. I have also not heard anybody say what you mentioned. There might be some price corrections in certain market from the very high levels they had reached. But, overall, there continues to be strong demand.

    Ofcourse, if there is talk that the prices are going to come down, if more and more people discuss such a thing then people do stay away from the markets for a short while

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