The Goa SCPCR calls for the Labour Commissioner and the MD of Ambiance Real Estate Developers

Several infractions of the 1996 Buildings and Other Construction Workers Act have been brought to the attention of the Commission. 

  • Unsafe Living Conditions: Without basic utilities and in makeshift housing with potentially dangerous materials, the children and their families were discovered to be living in risky conditions. 
  • Lack of Creche Facilities: The location flagrantly disregarded the necessity to provide creche facilities, which is essential for the safety of the kids employed in construction. 
  • General safety violations: There was a compromise to the site’s overall safety because no measures were taken to guarantee basic sanitation or prevent injury. 

The hearing will cover all of these topics in detail. The parties responsible must submit a thorough report and plans to improve the existing circumstances. Serious legal action under applicable statutes will follow noncompliance with these expectations.   

The Goemkapronn desk 

PANAJI: In response to the horrific abuse and death of a 5- 5-year-old girl, the Goa State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (GSCPCR) has taken a strong stance against violations of children’s rights at the New Vaddem Vasco construction site. This incident has exposed the appalling and harsh living conditions that children and their families are subject to at this location. 

The GSCPCR is a legally mandated statutory body tasked with monitoring the protection of children’s rights and examining complaints alleging these rights have been violated. By the law, the Commission has called a crucial hearing for May 2, 2024, including the Chief Labor Commissioner and the Managing Director of Ambiance Real Estate Developers. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the violations in detail and make sure that thorough corrective action is taken right away. 

Strongly denouncing the abuse and neglect discovered during the inspections was Chairperson Mr. Peter F. Borges. “Defending our children’s rights is more than just an act of kindness; it is ingrained in the legal system and permeates every aspect of our society. We now have a situation where and permeates every aspect of our society. We now have a situation where our kids are fighting for their lives in dangerous living circumstances rather than having fun and learning. 

Mr. Borges said, “Under our supervision, this cannot and will not continue.” 

He continues, saying, “The most defenseless people in our society should not be treated with such flagrant contempt. This Commission will guarantee justice and accountability. 

Chairperson Mr. Peter F. Borges’ visit to the construction site revealed the terrible conditions.  

The grave circumstances were made public when Chairperson Mr. Peter F. Borges visited the construction site. “The victim’s family was found living in extremely inhumane conditions directly at the construction site during an inspection led by the Hon’ble Chairperson of the Goa State Commission for Protection of Child Rights,” reads the official notice. 

The grave circumstances were made public when Chairperson Mr. Peter F. Borges visited the construction site.