Land Acquisition Bill May Boost Property Prices

Land acquisition bill may boost the property prices in the urban cities. Investors expect land acquisition bill to provide more clarity to the land acquisition process.
Property prices may go up with land acquisition bill

Property prices may go up with land acquisition bill.

The farmers may be happy to see the parliament passing land acquisition bill. Once the bill gets through the parliament the farmers will be sure of gaining more rights on their land parcels.

Though the bill will bring clarity to the land acquisition; the bill will affect the property prices severely. The prices will shoot up as the bill stands for the consent of the land owners, at least four- fifth of the entire land holders.

Industries also fear that the cost of the projects will be costlier. The land acquisition bill forces them to pay an amount, four times higher than the market price, in the rural areas.

The bill also asks them to pay a double the market price for the land in the urban areas. Project development will not be as easier as the builders have to get the permission of the land owners. Continue reading